The Wonders Of Mohs’ Paste And Bloodroot In Treating Skin Cancer

Undeniably, treatment for skin cancer has changed over the last 50 years. But a known technique that dates back from the 1930s is still proven effective up to this day. This is called the Mohs’ Paste. Learn more about the wonders of Mohs’ paste and bloodroot in treating skin cancer. 

Bloodroot Salve

Jesse Fell, an American surgeon, discovered the benefits of bloodroot in the 1850s. Dr. Fell heard of a miraculous plant used by Native Americans to treat skin cancer. This plant is Sanguinaria canadensis, otherwise known as “bloodroot”. He then discovered that Sanguinaria canadensis combined with zinc chloride does wonders in treating skin cancer. Decades later, various pharmaceutical companies and doctors developed their own formulations. Thus, Mohs Paste by Dr. Frederic Mohs originated.  

The Origin Of Mohs Paste 

Dr. Frederic Mohs initially developed the Moh’s Paste formula in the 1930s. He was a medical surgeon at the University of Wisconsin. This remarkable development occurred when he studied injectable irritants to evaluate inflammatory reactions in rats with cancer and normal tissue. 

Dr. Mohs discovered that zinc chloride could fix the skin tissue. He combined zinc chloride, Sanguinaria canadensis, and stibnite (a mineral) to develop a cohesive paste known as “Moh’s Paste”. 


Dr. Frederic Mohs

Dr. Frederic Mohs

Dr. Mohs applied the paste to the cancerous skin tissue, excised it, and it did not cause any bleeding. He then prepared frozen parts of the excised tissue, placed them on slides, and examined them under the microscope. This was the beginning of his groundbreaking work, which to this day bears his name.  

In 1936, Dr. Mohs performed the procedure, initially called “chemosurgery,” referring to “chemo” as the zinc chloride paste used on patients with skin cancer. The entire process was scrupulous, and it took many days. Here’s how the procedure went after a fresh tissue surgery, also called “Mohs procedure” or “Mohs surgery”. 

  • Application of di-chloracetic acid to scrape the keratin in the first layer of the skin (epidermis).
  • Di-chloracetic acid is first applied so that the zinc chloride could easily penetrate the skin. 
  • Mohs’ paste is applied, and covered with a protective dressing to enhance penetration and absorption of the cohesive paste. 
  • There was no bleeding, and the excisional site healed faster. 

Mohs At Work


Mohs Paste To Treat Melanoma 

Dr. Mohs proved that the solution could kill thick melanomas and cancer cells that reached the bone. In addition, Mohs’ paste stimulates a strong immune response to reduce the likelihood of metastasis (spreading) and recurrence of skin cancer. Until now, the paste is popular for treating skin cancer with a very high success rate, and the chances of recurrence are least likely.  

Bloodroot Products For The Treatment Of Skin Cancer

As an alternative to Mohs paste, there are various products available in the treatment of skin cancer. A popular alternative nowadays is the topical solution made by Zenith Herbal, the Bloodroot Salve with DMSO. It is known to treat skin cancer and other skin problems. Also, if you want to learn more about the medical uses of Bloodroot supplements and topical formulas, read here

Further Reading

 Modern Day Treatments

2018 Mohs Group