Table of Contents
- History of Skincare
- What Does “Natural” Mean?
- Is Natural Always Better?
- Defining Terms
- Are Natural Skincare Products Safe?
- Zen Healing Balm
History of Skincare
The use of skincare products dates back to 1760 BC during the Shang dynasty. A natural pale look was valued, and face powders made of lead and skin lighteners from Songyi mushrooms were used. This trend spread across Europe, where women, including Queen Elizabeth, used whitening foundation to remove freckles. Interestingly, ancient Egyptians used cosmetics not for aesthetics but to protect themselves from elements like sand and bugs.
What Does “Natural” Mean?
The term “Natural” refers to products made using natural ingredients without any synthetic materials added. These ingredients include fragrance, dye, and other preservatives. Chemicals may include Chemical Fertilizers, Pesticides, antibiotics, Hormones, paraben, sulfates, and GMOs.
Is Natural Always Better?
Natural doesn’t necessarily mean the product is healthier, safer, or better. If you have allergic reactions to any ingredients or sensitive skin, natural skincare products don’t automatically fix your skin problems. It’s recommended to use a product for around six weeks, twice a day, and note any differences or changes. Always research the ingredients within the skincare product for any allergic reactions.
Defining Terms
- Organic: The product should have at least 70% organic ingredients.
- Paraben-free: Parabens are preservatives that prevent bacteria and mold from increasing in your products.
- PFAS-free: Poly-fluoroalkyl substances are found in some lotions, cleansers, nail polish, shaving creams, and makeup to smooth skin, add shine, or improve product texture.
- Phthalate-free: Phthalates are chemicals found in a variety of household items, including personal care products such as soap and shampoo.
- Sulfate-free: Sulfates are essentially soaps. They help ingredients like oils and water mix together.
- Toxin-free or nontoxic: Companies use this term to suggest that a product is safe.
Are Natural Skincare Products Safe?
Yes, Natural Skincare products are generally safer than those that use synthetic ingredients. These ingredients slowly sink into the bloodstream, which may affect the body. They contain vitamins and compounds such as Vitamin C, D, E, and more, all of which help the body function optimally.
Zen Healing Balm
An example of a natural skincare product is Zen healing balm. It contains an excellent source of Vitamin A from organic beeswax, which results in improved skin cell development. Beeswax aids in the absorption of the product while hydrating and protecting the skin from environmental toxins. It soothes irritated skin, fades dark spots, and treats acne, eczema, and other skin issues.